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Saturday, November 10, 2012

So...There's This Girl...

I know everyone and their dog is doing the 30 Days of Thanksgiving in lieu to Thanksgiving. I am doing it on my Facebook but I am thankful for so many wonderful things that I thought I would focus on one major thing on the good old blog once a week.

This Week I am extremely thankful for my Mom.
My mom is probably the strongest person I know. She has been through so many things and remains to be an incredible woman. I look up to her more than she will ever know. She has always been there for me through broken hearts, mean girls, drill team drama, exciting job interviews and promotions, fashion advice, more fashion advice. I could go on and on and on. My mom has always been the one person who knows me for who I really am. We can gossip with each other saying the most outlandish things and just laugh about it. She is a phenomenal business woman and I hope I am as successful in my job career as she is.

My mom is the most creative person I know. (unbiased) She is so selfless when it comes to her kids. When I graduated high school my mom created scrapbooks of my birth to my graduation for me to keep forever. Every Christmas she puts together outfits of all the clothes she has bought me. That last part has been bitter sweet because now that I am older and my parents don't buy all of my clothes I have a really hard time putting together outfits that are as cute as the ones my mom always put together for me. A couple weeks ago my mom took me shopping for new business outfits for my new job! Spending those couple of days shopping with her was so wonderful! I love the relationship I have with my mom.

Growing up is hard on parents. I am almost positive that it is harder for the parents than it is for us kids. They have to go from being able to tell their kids what to do to only being able to give their kids advice and hope they take it. I know it is hard on my mom that I live 3 hours away from her. She doesn't get to see me as much as she would like and I know that is rough on her. If she had it her way I bet she would have me live next door to her. I love that my mom wants me so close to her all of the time. I think that says a lot about the type of relationship we have. I am very thankful for my Mama.

My Mom is Famous! She is the sexy one in the middle :) {via}

Love you Mama. Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me. 


  1. That was such a sweet post! Your mom is a wonderful person and I'm glad that YOU brought her into my life! I love you both! I also love the idea of doing things your grateful for each week on the blog. That's awesome!

    1. I love that you love us! Thanks :) I thought I was a good idea! You should do it with me! Every Saturday! Mostly because those are the only days I can officially commit to blogging haha


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