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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Reunited and It Feels So GOOD!

You know how you have that one friend who is ALWAYS there no matter where you live or how often you hang out? Well I am lucky enough to have one of those too! Her name is Miki! J She is my longest most wonderful friend and I just lover her to pieces! Anyways…Saturday night since I was in around where she lives we decided to get dinner! It was miss Miki and her wonderful hubster Jared, my older brother Braxton and his beautiful fiancĂ© Ashley. We went to the yummy Macaroni Grill and got our talk on for like 3 hours! Their bread is amazing! I could have eaten that for my whole meal. It basically rocked my world.

I love how Miki and I can not talk for weeks and then when we see each other its like BAM! We are perfectly awesome and pick up right where we left off. I have learned that these friends are far and few between and I really appreciate the friendship I have with her. Everyone should have a friend like Miki. So now needless to say…I NEVER thought I would want to move back to Salt Lake until I went and hung out with all these awesome people. It makes me miss being home and around family and friends all the time. It’s hard living in a small town where everyone has grown up together and knows everything about everybody, and then there is me. I’m lucky to have an awesome boyfriend who makes life a lot better a lot of the time. J I really love him.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I attempted creating a button thingy for my blog! It sort of worked haha and it took me hours! So I’m leaving it the way it is for now haha. Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. One day you will be able to move back up to Salt Lake, and then we will play and play and play! I had so much fun with you this weekend. That game seriously had my abs hurting from laughing so hard. Next time you come up, lets go boating with your parents on THEIR lake! ha ha. I want to see your momma's house, I bet it's gorgeous.


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